Top posts of 2013

I can hardly believe another year is almost at a close.

My first full year as a blogger.  A year made possible by all of you.  I am so greatful and thankful for all of you who faithfully follow along.  While Red Cottage Chronicles is still a small fish in a big pond, nothing makes me happier than to share my adventures in the kitchen with those who stop by and visit!  I am truly blessed.

I thought I would share a few of my top posts of 2013.

chocolate truffle tarts 1

Chocolate Truffle Tartlets

Toblerone Shortbread

Triple Lemon Buttercream Cake

English Muffin Bread

Dessert Buffet

With 2014 standing at the doorstep I have some big goals and plans for the year.  Plans I am excited about for my blog, goals to help deepen my faith, financial goals and of course plans and goals to stay healthy and for personal growth.

I am excited for the New Year to begin and will be sharing these goals with you along the way!

Don’t miss a post in 2014!  I would love to have you has a subscriber.

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  1. I’m so thankful our paths have crossed in this “big” pond. Love your blog. Thank you for sharing your amazing recipes with all of us. Blessings on your 2014!!

  2. This is a great group of posts. I’ll have to try the Chocolate Truffle Tartlets. Thank you for linking to the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you next week.