
Our Easter Table

There was a time when I didn’t bother to set an Easter table.ย  I didn’t think my home was worthy of the fuss.ย  Iย am learning to embrace my home and those whom I share it with.ย  I have learned that it doesn’t have to be perfect.ย  I have learned that He has given me the blessing of having a home at all.ย  So this year I have decided to make my home the very best it can be, and to show those whom I love they are worthy of trying my best and embrancing what has been given to us by the grace of God.ย  Without further adiu I welcome you to our Easter table…..

easter 1

I am loving these flower luncheon plates I picked up at Home Sense.ย ย They only had 3 pink and 3 blue, and since I wanted 4 I got two of each!

easter 2

I transplanted some pots of spring bulbs I picked up at the market into an old cheese box.ย  After, I will transplant into the garden and enjoy them again next spring!

easter 3

This pretty “tablecloth” I found in my Nana’s attic on closer inspection turns out it was a curtain panel!!ย  I think it makes a pretty spring tablecloth!

easter 4


“The Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not only in books alone but in every leaf of springtime”

Martin Luther, Priest and Theology Professor

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  1. Your table setting is gorgeous! It must have been a wonderful time to gave family gathered around you! BTW, I have two of those same plates that I bought to decorate a ‘cottage’ bedroom!

    1. Thank you Jan. Easter is one of my favourite times of the year to decorate. All the bright colours make me smile! Love the idea is using the plates in a cottage bedroom!