Bathroom Reno “Before”

I have been biting at the bit to get started on our bathroom makeover but after having a look at our wishlist of things that we want/need to get done, we decided the new fence trumps the bathroom gut job.  However, we did agree the bathroom is in pretty desparate need of some freshening up so on the weekend we decided to budget $200 to do just that.  The grout and caulking in the shower area had seen better days and was becoming more and more impossible to keep looking clean.  So I spent about three hours in the tub on Sunday with a manual grout remover, my IPOD, and (not by choice) Tripper!


Let me just say….it was not a comfortable fit.  At least not for me!

So, the plan is to remove all old grout and caulking and replace with new.

Add beadboard wallpaper and paint entire room and ceiling.

Install medicine cabinet (which we have had still in the box for over a year).

Install new showerhead.

Add storage and accessorize!

I almost forgot to take some pictures but snapped a few as we had already gotten started!

Full disclosure here people.  Not a pretty site.  This girl is in bad need of a new party dress!!

bath 1

bath 2

bath 3

bath 4

After removing all the trim, the caulking and picking away loose paint, it looks worse than I imagined!

Thankfully we are making progress and have the new grout installed.  Caulking is being done tonight, the new rainfall shower head is installed and wallpaper is on!

I have decided on a new shower curtain, but I am still going back and forth between a couple of shelving options.

The plan is to have it all done by Sunday!!  I will post the “afters” on Sunday night.  Even with the little bit we have done so far, it looks 100% better!  Can’t wait ’til its all done.

And I am very happy to say we will be well within budget when all is said and done!

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