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Chocolate Almond Tarts

Taste of Home Chocolate Recipes

Do you ever have one of those days in the kitchen where nothing goes right?  That was my day yesterday when I set about making my recipe for today’s edition of Taste of Home Tuesday!  I am keeping it real today!

I chose this yummy Chocolate Almond Tart recipe and was so looking forward to taste testing when it was all done.  Yummy chocolate, almonds, marshmallows and whipped cream.  I mean really.  Who wouldn’t be looking forward to a bit of that tart?

Chocolate Almond Tarts Recipe

via Taste of Home

It is a really quick recipe to put together so I left it to the last minute (not going to do that again).  The recipe calls for 2 – 6 oz chocolate almond bars, so I bought a giant one that would be well over the 12 ounces I needed.  

Turns out someone got into said chocolate bar before I got a chance to use it.  A quick weigh on the scale showed I had 7 1/2 ounces left.  Urgh.  Not to panic, I thought I would just scale the rest of the recipe down to match the amount of chocolate I had.

All was going well until I went to whip the cream.  This is when I broke my #1 rule in baking.  I was distracted and not paying full attention to what I was doing.  Can you guess what I did?

If you guessed that I sweetened the whipping cream with SALT instead of sugar you would be correct!  I didn’t even realize it until I took a big spoonful to taste.  Disgusting!  

I tried to counter balance by adding lots of sugar, but no such luck.  It was a disgusting mess.  I seriously had to laugh at myself as I tossed everything into the garbage, I had not a drop of whipping cream left so starting over was not an option. I knew at this point this recipe was not meant to be today.

Lesson learned.  No more leaving things to the last minute and no more baking while distracted!

The good news for me is that I will try again on the weekend, and post my review on Taste of Home!   

The good news for you is that you can find the recipe right here at Taste of Home and I encourage you to give it a try and post your own review after you are done.  Just keep the salt well away from your whipping cream!  

Links to 4 more yummy chocolate recipes below!

Even more good news for you! Check out the yummy chocolate recipes some of my fellow Taste of Home volunteer food editors are sharing today!

Taste of Home Tuesday



Hungry Enough to Eat Six – Chocolate Biscuit Puffs

Jolene’s Recipe Journal  –  Double Chocolate Banana Muffins

Family Around The Table  –  Mini Peanut Butter Brownie Cupcakes

Making The Most of Nap Time  –  Spooky Brownie Haunted House

Amy’s Cooking Adventures – Ogre Eyes Hot Chocolate


Until next time….

Red Cottage Chronicles



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  1. Oh, I’ve had days like that! I thought you were going to say you made butter! At least you could have used that. LOL This little tart looks delicious. I love individual desserts.

  2. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one that has days like this! Regardless of your distractions, the tart looks great 🙂 Best of luck on the weekend re-do.