
A Pretty Printable Just For You

Pretty Printable
As I have been working on my $100 Room Challenge, I have done my share of searching for printables that I might be able to use in the room.  As I got to searching I thought “I need to learn to do this”.  You all are an awesome bunch and I truly appreciate you taking the time to stop by and visit my little blog!

I wanted to create a pretty printable that you would be happy to hang in your home that might give you a bit of inspiration!

Since I love lavender, both the flower and the scent, I used watercolor images of the flower as a backdrop for this quote from Maya Angelou! 

“Determine to Live Life With Flair and Laughter”

With the mundane routine of day to day it is easy to forget to live life to the fullest.  With spark and enthusiasm.  This gentle reminder is hanging in my bedroom and it is one of the first things I see every morning, and reminds me that no matter what I am facing I am determined to approach the day with flair and laughter!  Some days I fail miserably, but most days I approach with at the very least a smile!

I printed mine on card stock, but plain copy paper would work just fine!  It designed to print as an 8 inch by 10 inch print.

Pretty Printable

Click here to download

 Let me know what you think.  Is more free printables something you would like me to offer here at Red Cottage Chronicles?  Because I think I created a monster.  Turns out I really like designing them!

Until next time…..

Red Cottage Chronicles





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