What’s for Dinner?

Not a day goes by that one of my family members don’t call or text me through the day and asks “what’s for dinner?”!

Oh, how that drives me batty!  I have been trying really hard lately to meal plan and shop accordingly but some weeks I get side tracked and never seem to complete that task.  Last Wednesday was just such a day.  (Grocery day is Thursday)!

I decided to use up a few veggies by roasting them, so I cut up the asparagus, potatoes, red onion, sweet potato, and cauliflower and set them to roast.  A quick look in the pantry I found a can of kidney beans.  That counts as protein!  Now, for a sauce…..I had a bit of my favorite poppy seed dressing and some balsamic vinegaerette but not enough of either, so I mixed them together.

I was pleasantly surprised how good it was when it was all mixed together.  Heart and flavourful!  Will definitely be putting this on the menu again.

It even looks pretty!




Have you ever “thrown something together” for supper and it turned out to be a keeper?!



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