
Must Have Garden Accessories

garden accessories

Our glorious springlike temperatures are coming to an end (for now), but I am full on in Spring mode. Every year as soon as the temperatures give even the slightest node towards the end of winter I start to dreaming about my summer garden.

Now, I am not one of those gardeners with a naturally green thumb that scours over seed catalogs to choose just the right ones to get ahead start on things.  I do however scour the seed catalogs, Pinterest and gardening blogs and choose plants I will add to our garden this year.

Another thing I do this time of year is to check when my two favourite local garden tour dates.  Niagara On The Lake hosts two equally wonderful tours each summer, one in June and one in July.  I make sure I add the dates to my calendar as soon as they are announced.

garden accessories

I once read that you should have both long term and short term goals.  One of my long term goals is to have a “garden tour” worthy yard!  I am a loooong way off, but I still love to gather ideas and work on little bits at a time.  

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Plants, trees and shrubs aren’t the only things that make a beautiful garden.  Choosing the right accessories and garden tools go a long way to make your garden stand out.

I thought I would share some of my favorite garden accessories.

garden accessories redcottagechronicles.com

Garden Lights – The more the better!


Place garden lanterns among the flowers or hang a few from low tree branches


garden accessories

A birdhouse…..or 3!

garden accesories

Colorful birdbath nestled amongst the plants

garden accessories

A quality rubber garden hose is a must for any garden

garden accessories

Window boxes with cascading annuals are a staple in our front garden

garden accessories

Every garden needs a Lucky Buddha!

garden accessories

A beautiful set of herb garden markers

While I temperature is forecast 16 degrees celcius tomorrow, the next day it is only

going to reach -1 with snow flurries.  For now I am happy doing some garden dreaming, planning, and armchair shopping for just the right garden accessories while I await the consistently warmer days that are sure to arrive soon!

What is your favorite garden accessory? I am always looking for new ideas!

Until next time…..

Red Cottage Chronicles



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  1. Fun post, Maureen! I love little garden markers and don’t have any currently {unless you count the ones that come with plants when you buy them, lol!}. I do have a birdbath that I found for $35 last spring and a growing assortment of pots for all my roses and herbs/annuals since moving to Texas. 🙂 Pinned a few pics for you!

    Happy spring,
    Barb 🙂

  2. I couldn’t do without my old metal wheelbarrow! It was headed for the landfill but a friend saw it and thought about me. (Knowing I was all about repurposing old stuff.) A little paint and a tube patch for the tire and it was good to go. It’s been helping me in the garden for about 15 years now.