What happened to February?!


March 1st…..already! What happened to February this year. It seems I blinked and it was over. Maybe it was the consistently cold weather (we have had more cold weather alert days this winter than the last 4 winters combined!), or the almost daily snow. And of course Valentine`s Day, and the Family Day long weekend when we enjoyed dinner with our friends Heather and Dave and their cuter than ever son Ty! That boy makes us all smile 🙂

hockey team

And of course the Olympics! I have to admit the hockey always gets most of my attention.

Whatever it was I am glad it is over! I barely spent any time in the kitchen. I just wanted to cozy up and do nothing. Winter has really taken its toll this year and I cannot wait for spring. I love seeing the tulips at the Farmer`s Market. It is a sure sign spring will be here….eventually!

dining room

Sam and I revamped our tiny dining room. This is a sneak peak. I will do a feature post when the room is all dressed and ready for its debut! My mom had some amazing marine maps that belonged to my grandfather and I choose one that will fit perfectly with the casual costal feel I am going for. It is huge though, and I still have to figure out how to frame it.

maple walnut muffins

When I did venture into the kitchen it was at 5:30 in the morning to whip up a batch of maple walnut muffins to bring to my sisters for the 7AM gold medal men`s hockey game! Totally worth it! Both the muffins and the game. The recipe comes from Taste of Home and you can find it here.  I made only 2 changes, using maple extract instead of vanilla and coconut oil instead of butter which gave it a subtle coconut flavor.  I will making these often, and next time will use half whole wheat flour and half all purpose.

maple walnut muffins 1

Speaking of Taste of Home, I have recently been appointed a volunteer field editor and one of my duties include reviewing recipes found either in their print publications or on line.  Beginning in March, each Wednesday I will post a recipe and review!

Looking forward to March, even though we are expected below zero temps until at least the middle of the month!  We are not big into St.Patrick’s Day, but clocks spring ahead in a little more than a week and the first official day of spring is later in the month! So, March isn’t all that bad 🙂

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