
Easy Spring Flower Arrangement

Welcome to the first Monday of spring! It also happens to be Market Flower Monday here at Red Cottage Chronicles.  If this is your first time visiting, every other Monday I share my love of  fresh flowers by sharing easy flower arrangement ideas for you to try.

easy flower arrangement ideas

I always try to keep the cost below $20, and this week my total for two bunches (3 different blooms) was just $16.  

It is now officially spring and although last week I shared with you how to arrange flowers for spring, it was more about the gorgeous colors of spring.  I am using cut spring bulbs in today’s arrangement.  

Easy Flower Arrangement Ideas

When I was browsing the buckets of flowers at the grocery store I caught the heavenly scent that could only come from hyacinths.  They had bunches of 5 cut hyacinths with 10 of the palest of pink tulips for just $12. 

Easy Flower Arrangement Ideas

Problem was there was no greenery in sight.  

That is a recurring problem at both grocery stores and the farmer’s market around here.  No greens.  At one local grocery store they have a full service floral counter and I am usually able to get a few stems when I shop there, but I wasn’t stopping there on this outing.

I did find pretty green ball Dianthus marked down to just $4 a bunch. I love the bright green color and they paired well with the lavender and pink blooms.

Easy Flower Arrangement ideas for spring

When I shared with you how to arrange roses, you may remember that I crisscross the stems to create a support system.

I did the same thing with this arrangement.  Crisscrossing the stems below the water line helps them support one another and build height and shape.  That is how I started this arrangement.  Crisscrossing the stems of the hyacinths.

Easy Flower Arrangement Ideas

Next, I added in the Dianthus, cutting them a bit shorter than the hyacinths.  I intertwined their stems with the hyacinths stems which made them easy to arrange exactly how I wanted them too.  I wanted some standing up, and some leaning on the edge of the vase.

Easy flower arrangement ideas

Finally, I  allowed the curving stems of some of the tulips to determine the shape of the arrangement.  Tucking their stems among the others gave the enough support, and let them follow the lip of the vase without them flopping  limply over the edge.

Easy Flower Arrangement Ideas

One of the tulips had grown itself right into a ‘U’ shape.  Placing it on the opposite side of the arrangement, it provides some balance in the overall shape.

Easy flower arrangement ideas

I love having spring bulbs in the house while I am waiting for them to bloom outside! As soon as you come in the front door, the smell of the hyacinths greets you.  

Not to mention, lavender and pink is one of my favorite color combinations.  In fact, those were the colors that I choose for my wedding all those years ago. 

easy flower arrangement ideas

Easy Flower Arrangement Ideas

  • choose just 3 types of blooms
  • start with a very clean vase or other container for your arrangement. Small pitchers with rolled edges make great containers for arrangements
  • use clean cold water and add an envelop of floral perserve, stirring to dissolve
  • give each bloom a fresh cut with floral shears before placing it in the vase
  • start with your greenery (if using) or the largest blooms 
  • vary the height of your blooms slightly
  • crisscross the stems as you begin your arrangment
  • when arranging tulips, allow the shape of their stems to guide the shape of your arrangement
  • don’t over think your arrangement, it is a work of art which is unique to you
  • check water level daily, and lift arrangement out to change the water every 2nd or 3rd day 

I am so glad you stopped by today, and I hope you come back for more easy flower arrangement ideas on the next Market Flower Monday! And, if you like to entertain check out these easy flower arrangements to dress up your table

All signs are pointing towards the fairer weather to come.  Sunshine taking the chill away, bulbs popping up through the soil and buds on the flowering shrubs are starting to make an appearance! I am ready to welcome it all with open arms!

Until next time…..

Red Cottage Chronicles




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    1. Yes it is Nikki! Green Ball Dianthus. Also known as Sweet William, I believe! I am hoping to find it to plant in my cutting garden this year!

  1. Maureen, gorgeous arrangement. As our local farmer’s market where I usually purchase my flowers is closed due to Covid 19, I am missing flowers in my home. I don’t seem to have much luck finding really nice grocery store flowers, at which local grocery store are you finding such beautiful blooms?