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Freshening Up The Bathroom for Spring!

No touch toilet cleaning with the Clorox Toilet Wand

It is that time of year when I get the urge to bring our home out of hibernation with some bright colours, fresh flowers and a good cleaning!

I had picked up a pretty new shower curtain, some hot pink ranunculus at the market, and a couple of bright fresh new towels.  All for under $30!

When we first did this mini makeover of the bathroom I painted the bathroom walls white, not only to brighten up the space but also because I like to change up the decor.  Often!

Freshen up the bathroom with the Clorox Toilet Wand

I switched out the artwork, added a couple of green plants, and I re-purposed an old crate as a magazine holder to hang on the wall which frees up precious floor space.

Living in a little home comes with a with a little bathroom. Our only bathroom measures only about 6 feet by 5 feet and has one window that is inside the bathtub area.  It is not exactly what you would call bright.  I want to do my best to make it a light, bright and fresh.  

Even taking photos in here was a challenge given the lack of natural light.

Spring bathroom style

I have been tackling things room by room and trying to stay ahead of two muddy dogs, but this weekend I couldn’t put it off any longer and had to give the bathroom a deep clean.

I have to admit even regular cleaning of the bathroom is usually a chore I try to pass off on somebody else.  Cleaning the toilet is just, well, eewww!

If you like to clean toilets, raise your hand.

Yah, I didn’t think so!

Small bathroom decor ideas

True story.  While I was switching out my old toilet brush caddy I accidentally knocked it over and some pretty foul smelling water dumped out onto the floor. Disgusting.  I never gave any thought to water dripping off the brush and left to sit there every time I put it away.

You can imagine my delight when I was given the opportunity to try the new Clorox Disinfecting ToiletWand. This little gadget really is like a “magic wand” for the bathroom!  

The starter kit, which retails for about $7.99 comes with a sleek storage caddy that holds the (included) stack of 6 single-use disposable disinfecting cleaning pads, and an easy to hold handle that stores in the little holder on the side of the caddy.  Refill packs of disinfecting cleaning pads retail for around $3.69 for 6.

Make cleaning the toilet fun!

I was pleasantly surprised at the fresh scent.  There was no bleach smell at all despite its ability to power through tough stains and kill germs like Staph and Salmonella, just a clean and fresh scent.

To show you just how easy, (and dare I say fun) it is to clean to the toilet I made a little video for you to see for yourself!

YouTube video

Easy as 1, 2, 3.  

  1.  Press the handle onto tab on the cleaning pad until you hear a click.
  2.  Dip the pad into the toilet water to release disinfectant cleaner and scrub until your bowl is clean and then simply press against the edge to release any extra water.
  3.  Slide the little blue button on the handle to release the used pad into the garbage

It really gets up under the rim to and into all the nooks and crannies to deep clean those hard to reach areas.  Lets just say my first go with this Clorox Disinfecting ToiletWand was proof that I was not getting under rim with my old toilet brush!

Get a sparkly clean toilet with the Clorox Disinfectant Toilet wand

The storage caddy takes up almost no space at all tucked in behind the toilet and I don’t have to worry about water collecting at the bottom from a dripping wet toilet brush.

Will I continue to use the Clorox Disinfectant ToiletWand?  Indeed I will, and here is why….

  •  It takes the eewww out of cleaning the toilet by killing germs and leaving the toilet clean and fresh
  • I was really impressed with how it handled the grime under the rim with very little effort
  • It is easy to use and leaves no dirty toilet brush sitting around
  • The sleek storage caddy takes up very little space and isn’t an eyesore in the bathroom
  • Refills are easily available at several stores I shop at including Zehrs, Walmart and Superstore
  • Eliminates the need for storing extra bottles of toilet bowl cleaner (which is a bonus in small spaces)

I couldn’t be happier with how the bathroom looks after it’s little refresh.  It just feels lighter, brighter and even a little larger (if that is even possible)!  What I know for sure is that it is certainly cleaner, and the task of cleaning the bathroom will be far less daunting thanks to my new “magic wand”!

Thanks to CloroxCanada for sending me the Disinfectant ToiletWand to try.  My thoughts and opinions and review of this product are completely my own and have not been influenced in any way.

Until next time…..

















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  1. I didn’t think there was another person with a teeny tiny bathroom like mine but apparently I was wrong. The only difference is the entrance to my bathroom is directly in front of the toilet.

    I may try one of those Clorox wands. I’ve been leery of the water that gathers at the bottom of the brush older for some time now. As far as I’m concerned, the only thing worse than cleaning toilets is cleaning the toilet bowl brush holder!!!

    BTW, the shower curtain is beautiful and bright. I think keeping things bright is just what is needed in a small bathroom. My window is also on the long wall next to the tub.

    And yes, this snow can go anytime now. I’m do done with it and my tulips and daffodils are not liking this weather at all.

    1. Small bathrooms are a real challenge. We have thought about switching the placement of the toilet and the sink! Maybe in the future. That shower curtain makes me smile every day!