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DIY Garden Flower Bouquet

Garden Flower Bouquet

I am so glad last week is behind me!  A summer cold took hold of me on Canada Day and didn’t let go until a day or two ago.  Add to that temperatures reaching almost 40 degrees almost every day and I was not exactly in a good mood.

This weekend saw the humidity finally break, and a fresh breeze made being outside a whole lot more bearable.  I get tired of the windows being closed and having the blinds drawn to keep out the hot sun all day.  But I do appreciate the air conditioning!

When I was at the farmer’s market yesterday I almost bought a bunch of fresh flowers for the screen porch, but then I decided to save my cash and put something together from my own garden.

Easy Garden Flower Bouquet

With the high temperatures and no rain for days, lets just say my garden is not in stellar condition this year.  None the less I was able to clip a few blooms and leaves here and there.

Making a garden flower bouquet is super easy.  There really is no rhyme or reason and I love the rustic result.

Easy Garden Flower Bouquet

Simply choose a vase or vessel to hold your blooms.  I decided to use this yellow enamel pitcher, but since I am not entirely sure it hasn’t rusted through a bit I set a large glass of water inside.  

My old (made-over) Ikea kitchen cart has been functioning as a potting bench lately!

easy garden flower bouquet

I used hosta leaves and a few fern stems as a base of the arrangement.  

Next, I stripped off the lower foliage from the flower stems.  This helps keep the water clean and fresh, hence a longer lasting arrangement.

easy garden flower bouquet


Easy Garden Flower Bouquet

After your greens are in place, randomly begin to fill in with your blooms to your liking.  

Finish by tucking in bit of extra greenery to fill things out if necessary. I clipped mine from a shrub that has long since finished blooming, but has a delicate green foliage all summer long.  

Easy Garden Flower Bouquet

And in no time at all you have your very own DIY Garden Flower Bouquet.  And the best part, it didn’t cost a thing!

No flowers in your own garden? Consider asking a neighbour if you can clip some from their garden, or take a nature walk and collect some flowers along the way.

Until next time…

Red Cottage Chronicles




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