Birdhouse for Golfers


What on earth happened to April?!ย  Between my computer completely and utterly dying a slow painful death, 2ย birthdays (with 4 more to go this month), Mother’s Day and getting somewhat caught up on a few projects, it is suddenly half way through May.

Oh, and Father’s Day is right around the corner!

After last year’s big 50th celebration for Tim, this year was back to a more quiet family party.ย  My mom and brother surprised him with a birdhouse for the garden.

Tim spends a lot of time during the summer in the gardens, weeding, edging, mulching, and pruning.

Another place Tim spends a lot of time in the summer is the golf course!ย  He was thrilled with his new birdhouse, and as soon as the weather warmed up he found the perfect spot tucked up against a big evergreen that is home to many nesting birds.

bird house

My brother actually built the birdhouse from a pattern, added artificial turf to the roof and fastened on the golf ball.ย  Mom painted it and embellished it with a tee for a perch and a few golf clubs from the scrap booking department at Michael’s.

Tim had some lumber left over from other projects which created the perfect post and base.ย  He treated the lumber with the vinegar and steel wool mixture to age it a bit.

I think it would be a fun project for kids to make dad on Father’s Day.ย  Birdhouse kits are easily found at many home improvement or craft stores, a coat of paint and a bit of decoration makes it a personal gift!

Bird House

Tim is happy to report some birds have already taken up residence in his birdhouse.ย  I think we will be adding a few more throughout the gardens before the summer is over!

Until next time…..



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