
PEI Road Trip

One of our favourite places in Canada is Prince Edward Island! No better time for a PEI road trip then my nephew’s wedding!

Road Trip

I have a love/hate relationship with road trips.  While I love arriving at our destination, I absolutely loath the actual drive.  

Our latest road trip found us in Prince Edward Island to attend my nephews wedding!  I can’t wait to go through the 400 some-odd photo’s I took and share some with you later this week!  The bride and groom planned every detail of this rustic island wedding and it truly was outstanding.

We have been to PEI many times before, and while we didn’t have any real plans to see the sites, we didn’t have to go far to experience all the island has to offer.

Road Trip

We took a walk on the beach and discovered all kinds of fun things.  Like a washed up, broken old lobster trap and pretty shells of all shapes and sizes.

Road Trip

The weather was outstanding for October on the island!  The sun was shining and temperatures reached 24 during the daytime.  Little daisies could be found growing all over the place.

Road Trip

The view from our cottage deck was amazing.  We watched the sun set as the fishing boats made the most of every last minute of daylight.  It was hard to pull ourselves away from all this when it was time to head for home.

I am a bit of a very anxious traveler, and taking a road trip for any reason is a huge deal for me.

As soon as we decide on a destination I go into planning mode.  I search Mapquest for the best possible route. I check out all the hotels in the locations we will be stopping over, and compare prices on all the internet travel sites.  If we are travelling to a place we have never visited I have been known to use Google earth to actually see the sites before I even get there!  

road trip

The four of us, plus my mom, my nephew Josh and all our luggage packed into our Ford Flex for the 18 hour drive! 

Yes. Six people. Eighteen hours. In the car! And, I am happy to report the Prince Edward Island Wedding was full of rustic charm and romance!

road Trip

Until next time….

Red Cottage Chronicles

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  1. Wow, six people for 18 hours! Well at least you were headed to a beautiful place for a lovely wedding. And in a well-maintained vehicle! I can’t wait to see more pictures!

  2. Hello Maureen,

    Such a beautiful wedding table! Posted over to my Wedding Ideas page on Pinterest for you. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your story about the cabin air filter. I know ours has officially been changed once in my Sequoia, and I don’t remember when… in 12 years. I’m going to go get a new one tomorrow!

    Thanks for the info, the beautiful photos of your trip, and for the grossing out and the laughter at the same time,
    Barb ๐Ÿ™‚