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5 Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipes

Christmas cookie baking

Yes, I am going to go there!  Christmas cookie recipes before Halloween. Oh, the horror!

If you ask my husband it is time to break out the Christmas village, turn on the Christmas music and start watching Elf!

He is all about the Christmas season.  When I ask him why he loves it all so much, he tells me he loves the family time, the lights, the sounds, the smells and celebrating the Christmas story itself!

While I am not as enthusiastic about getting the celebration started as early as him, we have compromised at somewhere around the American thanksgiving. But, he gets the music started shortly after Remembrance Day!

I do however turn my thoughts to baking for the season around the beginning of November and bake a batch every now and then to freeze so I am not making a mad rush to get it all done at the end!  It is nice to have a selection of cookies to pull out when company drops by.

As part of our Christmas celebrations we do spend one Saturday early in December in the kitchen together to do some extra cookie baking!

So, without further adieu, here are the most popular Christmas cookie recipes from Red Cottage Chronicles!

Raspberry Snowflake Cookies

cherry chews 3

Cherry Chews

chocolate truffle tarts 1

Chocolate Truffle Tarts

coconut apricot 1

Coconut Apricot Ice Box Cookies

toblerone recipes

Toblerone Shortbread

I have a whole list of new recipes to try for this holiday season and I am looking forward to sharing them with you as the holiday season approaches!

Until next time…


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