Free Autumn Printable

Free Autumn Printable

Fall is my favorite season, and October my favourite month.

My birthday is in October.

Thanksgiving (for us Canadians) is in October.

Fall is really gearing up in October with cooler temperatures and changing leaves nearing their peak.

Corn mazes, pumpkin farms, “haunted” hayrides.  The activities are endless.

I came across this poem by George Cooper and I can’t think of anything that sums up October so perfectly in poetry!

I am excited to share this free autumn printable with the first verse of October’s Party!  Just click the link below to open the image to size as you like and print!  I printed mine in 8 x 10!

Free autumn printable

                                               click here to print October’s Party Printable

Until next time….




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  1. I love the fall as well. Could it be that my birthday is in September, just a day or two before the official start of autumn? Or that it signals beloved my back-to-school time (beloved by me ’cause I’m a teacher)? Whatever it is, the plants and trees are beginning to show that they are tired of growing and needing a rest.

    The poem describes everything beautifully! Now I must go ready for a hot and rainy first day of school!

    1. Hot and sunny here today! Thankfully fall like temps should be here by the weekend 🙂 Even though my kids are long past school age, Labour Day always marks the start of a new year in my books!