
Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge

Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge

I’ve paired up with 19 other talented ladies to bring you a monthly Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge. Each month we will create a new home decor piece from an item(s) we’ve found at a thrift store, yard sale, resale shop etc. There is no budget or specific theme so we are free to let our creativity run wild! 

Meet the Hosts

Thrift Store DecorUpcycle Challenge

Amanda | The Kolb Corner      Chelc| Inside the Fox Den     
Erlene | My Pinterventures     Kim | Made in a Day     Sara | Twelve on Main    
Debra | Shoppe No. 5      Shirley | Intelligent Domestications    
Marie | DIY Adulation     Lindsay | Crazy Organized   Michelle | Our Crafty Mom    
Julie | Live From Julie’s House     Dru | Polka Dot Poplars    
Maureen | Red Cottage Chronicles     Pili | Sweet Things     Channell | Hobnail House     
Colleen | Life on Kaydeross Creek     Ann | Duct Tape and Denim      
Paula | Virginia Sweet Pea     Sherry | Savvy Apron     Stacy | Anastasia Vintage 

You can also follow our board on Pinterest for more upcycled decor inspiration!

  Upcycled Candlestick Cake Plate

Don’t you just love a good upcycle makeover project that comes together without a hitch?!

Yeah, this was not one of those projects!

Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge


Oh, don’t get me wrong, everything turned out in the end, but it wasn’t before I almost heaved it all into the trash bin more than once. 

And that was after I actually found what I was looking for at the thrift store in the first place.

You see, I love cake stands.  I have several, mostly ceramic or glass and one wood based one that is basically just a wood plate with a dome. 

What I was looking for was one kind of like this.  Not exactly, but a turned wood pedestal was my focus.  The actual plate part I would figure out later.


Rustic Wood Cake Stand
When I set out to the thrift store I was focused on finding some wooden candlesticks to use for the base.  This is how my creative process works when it comes to upcycling!  
I get an idea. I zero in on the main element and then somehow make it work.  Sometimes this gets me in trouble.  
Take this thrift store decor project for example.  I knew in my minds eye exactly what I wanted the base to look like.  Which essentially means there is no way I was going to find it! 
Oh, you can bet when I wasn’t looking for short squatty wooden candlesticks they would be in every thrift store in town.
Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Candlestick Project
Oh, no.  Not this time.  A couple of Goodwill Stores and a Value Village later, I found these beauties!  Some chalk paint, distressing and some wax and we have a winner!
Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge
Not so fast.  I didn’t count on the black zigzaggy lines running and mixing with the chalk paint as I tried to cover them up. And they still showed through coat after coat.  Ugh! 
I finally resorted to using my palm sander to sand out what I could and coming to terms with just embracing what I had to work with.
Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge
After the bases were done,  it was time to decide on what to use for the plate portion.  I immediately went for a small square plate I had picked up at a thrift store for styling photo’s some time ago.  I really wanted a wicker or wooden plate for the shorter one, but I had this little bowl in a collection of white dishes I got at a yard sale last year.
The little nails on the top of each candlestick were easy to pull out with some pliers before hot gluing the plates in place.
I am actually really happy with how they turned out.  
Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge
The provide a pretty perch for some summer kitchen linens like dish towels and cloth napkins, keeping them in easy reach.  The one with the bowl holds some fresh grab and go fruit!
If you find yourself face to face with some pretty wooden candlesticks and want to try this DIY upcycle project, let me leave you with a few tips:
  • look for wood candlesticks free of any embellishment or decoration
  • be sure to gather all the needed supplies to complete the project before you begin
  • apply several thin coats of paint rather than 1 or 2 thick coats – it is much easier to sand

Thrift Store Decor Upcycle Challenge


and finally…….(note to self!)

do not expect perfection- this is a thrift store decor upcycling project, you are not trying to create something to look brand new!

Until next time……

Red Cottage Chronicles




Looking for another neat upcyle project?  Check out this upcycled cupboard door turned chalkboard project!  And, don’t forget to check out all the link from 19 other bloggers below! 



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    1. Thank you! I know exactly what you mean. From now on if I see something that sparks my interest When thrifting it is coming home with me!

  1. They turned out so pretty. I like the way you are using them also. I’ve been searching for similar big candle holders in my thrift stores forever with no luck.

  2. I’m still keeping my eyes open for a nice looking wooden headboard set to do the pinterest bench for my yard

  3. I laughed out loud when I read this! I completely know what you mean about looking for something specific: it’s nowhere to be found when you’re desperate to have it, but when you’re not, it’s in every shop in the city. I I call it the thrifter’s curse ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. This is so smart!! I love the new look you gave them! Now I’m going to have to find some similar candle holders to make my own.