
One Room Challenge – Week 5


What a week it has been over here at the Red Cottage!  Here we are the One Room Challenge – Week 5 already.  I swear I just started.

If you are new here, welcome!  You can click here to start at the beginning.

Had a busy week, with a surprise 50th birthday party our girls and I hosted for my husband this past weekend.  I will NEVER do that again!  It is way to hard for me to keep a secret.  And I had to do a “regular” family party on Friday (his actual birthday) so as not to make him suspicious.  One of the guests who could not make it gave a birthday card to another guest to pass along.  This guest then went ahead and gave it to him two days ahead of his birthday.  He opens it up and the greeting says “sorry I am going to miss your celebration”!  Damn!  I managed to get by that one on a technicality and him convinced it was sarcasm!!  It wasn’t until we pulled into the parking lot of the Church and he saw some familiar cars, he knew he was not there for wine tasting after all.  He thoroughly enjoyed himself, as did the guests.  My daughters friend made this wonderful cake!  It was a golf themed party!  After attending The Masters last year, his feet still haven’t touched the ground!


Not a lot was accomplished this week as far as the living room goes.  We had to let the floors cure before moving any furniture in.  We did get the walls all painted!  It is so nice to see it all one color.  Being the procrastinator that I am, I still haven’t decided what furniture is coming back in.  The fireplace is back in without the shelves, and while we still have to add baseboard, I really think it opens up the space, or maybe it is just because of the paint!.

fireplace 1

I have a project for this Billy bookcase currently serving as my pantry to be repurposed into the living room on one side of the fireplace!  I have to do a few measurements first, to see if it will work.

pantry before

Since my kitchen really needs some de-cluttering, and most of the stuff on my pantry shelves need a thorough purge I really don’t think I will miss the extra shelving in the kitchen.  I have one cabinet that is almost empty in the kitchen already, which will easily house the crock pot and ice cream maker.

I found these curtains on sale at Target.  They are like a burlap but softer and will hang nice.  I like the sandy tone to them.  Reminds me of the beach!


Another thing I am so happy to be adding to the space is this gorgeous picture taken by my friend Heather Morley.  You can see her prints here.  This particular picture was taken in Maine and I just loved it at first site.  I am having it printed at 11 by 14 inches, and framed to 16 by 20 inches.  I think it will be stunning above the fireplace!  I suggest you go have a look at her work. 

There is just something about old, worn buoys who have spent many a hard day in the ocean!

We are in the home stretch and here is my to-do list for this (last) week!

  • Find and purchase area rugs
  • Install baseboard and door mouldings
  • decide on furniture placement
  • re-purpose Billy bookcase
  • make bouys
  • find a dresser to use as a console
  • hang pegs behind front door
  • find blind for front door

Oh my! That is a long list! And did I mention they are calling for rain here almost all week.  It is so hard to get motivated when it is raining!  No time to complain!

Taking a break though, to head over to Calling It Home to check out all the amazing work done by the other participants this week!  I wonder if they are as freaked out as I am that it is the final week!

Wish me luck!  I need all of the help I can get this room to the finish line!

Until next time…

Red Cottage Chronicles

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  1. Just try to get all your shopping done first, then you can concentrate on working at home afterwards ๐Ÿ™‚ It works for me. I find my mind is more at ease if I have everything I need, on hand, to work with. Good luck!

  2. Everything looks awesome so far. There is nothing wrong with procrastinating when it comes to choosing accessories or furniture ๐Ÿ™‚ You need it all to work with your hotties gorgeous floors and paint color!

  3. Happy birthday to your husband! The wall color is very pretty and I like those drapes! Very cool art, too. I’m excited to see how you bring everything together. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Sounds like a fun surprise party! Happy Birthday to your husband! I love the golf ball cake, its adorable. I have a long to do list still too, good luck next week!

  5. Happy Birthday to your husband – I celebrated my big 5-0 in April too! I can’t wait to see how you repurpose the Billy bookcase! I want to do that too!

  6. Maureen, I loved watching this room come together and can’t wait to see the final photos! You’ve done an amazing job and I love all of your color choices, too. You have become quite the DIY queen!

    1. Thank you Jeanie! I have actually loved learning some new skills! Working feverishly this weekend to get it all together ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Maureen, I love the paint color! Kudos for participating in ORC and pulling off a 50th surprise party for your husband with another party! I’m working on a surprise 50th for a client next weekend while doing ORC and just hired for another event, and it’s crazy time! Needless to say I can relate. I have similar curtains from target but in blue in my master bedroom. Love them! A few more days left, we can do this! Can’t wait to see your big reveal!