Outdoor Harvest Table

Tim and I are coming up on our 28th anniversary and that man never ceases to amaze me and make me proud!

 Whenever I come to him with a idea, he is always on board to give it a try.  Sometimes with enthusiasm and confidence in my idea, like this buffet I asked him to make!  And sometimes with apprehension and skepticism (although he only shares that with me after the fact!), which is exactly how he felt when I told him I wanted to try these plywood plank floors!

So, when I told him I wanted to do something extra special for my mom for her birthday this year, I showed him these plans from Ana White for this gorgeous harvest table, and he was totally on board!  He out did himself for sure!

harvest table 5

He can’t wait to make one for ourselves too! He was secretly hoping my mom wouldn’t like the finish on this one so he could keep it himself!


No such luck!  Mom loves it!!  But, she has to wait for a few strong men to help bring it down to her house! Thank goodness she only lives 3 doors down!

She has always wanted a table big enough to sit our entire family come bbq season.  At 8 feet long and almost 3 1/2 feet wide it will definitely sit all 12 of us!


The dogs will be sorry to see it go!



It is made from spruce and we treated it with some leftover vinegar/steel wool mixture.  I was a bit worried how it might turn out because the vinegar mixture had been sitting around for several months and looked like liquid rust!  I love the outcome, and the longer it sat out in the sun the deeper the color got.


It was the perfect spot to sit and enjoy the fresh baked banana pecan muffins I made earlier (I will be sharing the recipe on Wednesday) and a cold glass of sweet tea!


So, what do you think!  Not too bad, eh!  (Oh I am so Canadian!)

Looking forward to getting it into my mom’s yard and enjoying sitting around it with the family…….

…….And getting my own built soon to share casual outdoor meals with friends and family!


Enjoy your Monday

Linking up at Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture Feature Friday!

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  1. Love it! Love it! Can hardly wait until it is in my backyard and we have a bbq to baptize it.

  2. This is gorgeous and all that work definitely paid off. I’m a bit green with envy that you’re getting one of your very own! Oh and I found you via the Serendipity and Spice link party today.

  3. This table is Beautiful! I’ve been eyeing those plans for a while. You have given the final push to go through with it. Thank YOU!! I found you over @ The Inspiration Exchange Super glad I did.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I really recommend you just go for it! It isn’t too difficult at all (at least it didn’t look difficult as I watch my husband build it!!)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Diana! If you visit my post about the outdoor harvest table and click on Ana White’s name (is highlighted in red), it should take directly to the instructions! If you run in to difficulty, let me know!

  4. Do you have DIY steps for the table your husband made on your 28th anniversary? Dimensions of wood etc? My Dad and I are planning to do a table just like this as a family heirloom…