Wordless Wednesday – A Town In Bloom

Niagara On The Lake

Okay.ย  Maybe not so wordless!

Whileย I am all about the autumn and can’t wait until the latest heat wave is over, Iย know that some of you want to hold on to summer as long as you can!

So for those of you in that fall into that group you can thank me later for these gorgeous photo’s I took this weekend.

Niagara On The Lake is known to be one of the prettiest towns in Canada.ย  I cannot even imagine how much their landscaping budget is every year, but during the summer months when it is in bloom it is breathtaking.

Enough talking.ย  This is supposed to be Wordless Wednesday!

Niagara On The Lake

Niagara On The Lake


Niagara On The Lake

Niagara On The Lake

I can’t keep quiet!ย  There are islands of gardens like this all around the park!ย  So pretty! I can enjoy them without ever having to pull a weed!

Niagara On The Lake

Niagara On The lake

Niagara On The Lake

A nice mix of perennials and annuals make for a beautiful entrance to the park.

Niagara On The Lake

Niagara In Bloom

Trisha Romance gallery.ย  You can see it all dressed for Christmas here.ย  It is quite a spectacle!

Niagara On The Lake

Niagara On The lake

Niagara On The Lake

garden herbs

These window boxes filled with fresh herbs adorn the front of a restaurant and are I bet are used daily in the kitchen.


Niagara On the Lake

Niagara On The Lake

And last, but certainly not least, two gigantic stone urns that flank the steps of the historic old courthouse!

Niagara On The lake

I hope you enjoyed having a look of this own in bloom.

If you want a peek into the yards and gardens of Niagara On The Lake for some serious garden inspiration you can findย some here and here!

Until next time…


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  1. I agree that Niagara-on-Lake is beautiful! I saw my first Angel’s Trumpet plants there and they were huge! I fell in love with them then and there but have never had success myself with growing them. Maybe one day…

    1. The Angel’s Trumpet plants are huge again this year. They are almost at the end of their season I think, but I was lucky to find a few still in bloom!